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  • Everyone entering event venue will sign entry waiver

  • Everyone entering event venue will wear the provided wrist band at all times

  • No alcohol allowed inside event venue

  • Any participant suspected of drinking or using illegal substances will not be allowed to participate

  • Depending on nature of issues, Omega staff, venue staff, or medical staff will have the final say regarding resolution

  • All parties inside the venue will follow the direction of Omega staff, venue staff, or medical staff at ALL times

  • No small children are to be allowed to wander unsupervised

  • No burnouts unless otherwise noted per venue

  • ALWAYS be mindful of other people, property and equipment at all times. Vehicle traffic may intersect foot traffic areas at times.

  • All passing during track events will be discussed on event day



  • All participants must be at least 18 years old at the time of the event

  • All participants must provide individual TECH and WAIVER forms at the entry gate

  • All participants must appropriately check in at designated area before being allowed to participate

  • Passengers may be allowed on a per-event basis, discussed at the drivers meeting

  • No racing or "showing off" outside of appropriate activity areas

  • Convertibles must have factory roll protection in place if applicable

  • Helmet is REQUIRED and must be DOT/SNELL rated 10 years or better

  • Tires must be of appropriate speed rating.

  • Bias ply drag tires are not permitted. LSR specific tires may require approval. Appropriate drag radials in good condition are permitted.

  • Any person found straying from the rules regarding tires, will be removed from participation until the tire standards are met.

  • No overnight camping on event sites unless otherwise and specifically noted on event page.



  • We will have a food vendor truck onsite for the majority of the day starting in the morning. Please enjoy. If you would like to bring your own meals, feel free, but please refrain from any gas, charcoal or otherwise open flame grills. NO ALCOHOL IS PERMITTED WITHIN THE AIRPORT PREMISES. Since we will not have access to the main airport and their restroom facilities, porta pottys will be onsite. Please utilize the available trash cans in the area and keep areas clean.



  • Please feel free to take all the pictures and video you like, and share with everyone. We do have specific media providers that will have access to areas that the general group will not. We can not have any unauthorized person downstream of the racing vehicles due to insurance and obvious safety reasons. I understand this limits visibility. Please follow this direction. Again, only approved media personnel will be allowed access to these downstream areas.  Any individuals not adhering to this safety requirement may be asked to leave.



  • In the event of an on-track breakdown (something breaks, leaks, explodes etc...), please bring your car to a controlled stop as quickly as you can. In the case of something spewing out of your car, cleanup will be much easier if its in a concentrated area, than if you keep driving. In the case of a fire/smoke type of issue, we want to get you stopped and out of the car as quickly as possibly. In this instance, please exit the vehicle once completely stopped and exit the race area to the nearest side you are on. Do not cut across the track. If you need a tow arranged, let one of our staff know and we can help you arrange that.



  • We will have a staffed Fire-Rescue vehicle on site for most events, and ALL airport events. This vehicle will be staffed with 2 EMT licensed personnel. The truck carries grease-sweep cleanup, full extrication equipment including jaws of life, 250 gallon water reserve and sufficient basic life support equipment. They will remain near the event runway for the duration of our races, all day. If any incident occurs, these will be our go-to people. I know many of our participants are medically trained in one aspect or another, but we ask that NO ONE makes their way to an incident for ANY reason. Let the contracted professional medical staff on-site handle it and make the call for 9-1-1 as they see fit. 2 paramedic ambulances are stationed about a mile away, and a Medi-Vac medical helicopter is stationed 15 miles away. Everyone will be aware and prepared for our event, so please do not complicate any potential incidents. If, for some reason a non-auto related emergency has taken place during the course of our event, our Fire-Rescue EMTs will be able to assist if needed.



We always strive to host worry-free events. However, to cover all bases, here is the bad-guy part:

  • This airfield is private property. We have contracted a portion of it for our exclusive event, and have every right to ask anyone to leave for any reason we see fit. This includes violence, alcohol, adamant refusal to follow rules and overall general jack-assery. This covers all persons involved at this event; staff, participants, spectators, sponsors and anyone else inside venue area. Refusing to leave private property once asked, is then considered trespassing. Please don't make us ask you to leave. We want the day to be enjoyable. So please follow the direction of the event and bring up any concerns you may have.




© 2024 Omega Motorsport LLC

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